
Under new Government legislation all school Governing Bodies were reconstituted before September 2015. Under this new legislation, the Governing Body must have the appropriate skills to fulfil its role effectively. It should not be smaller than 7 members and must include: At least 2 Parent Governors; the Headteacher; one and only one Staff Governor; one and only one Local Authority Governor. On top of the above 5 ‘Core Governors’ a school can appoint as many additional co-opted Governors as deemed necessary. The James Oglethorpe Primary School’s Governing Body decided to reconstitute to 12 members and 1 associate. Our current Governing Body is:

Co-Opted Governors:

Mrs Angela Bell – Appointed 13/07/2022 until 12/07/2026
Mrs Katie Hogan (Chair) – Appointed 24/11/2023 until 23/11/2027
Mr Alan McFadden – Appointed 09/06/2015 until 08/06/2023
Mrs Lee Doe – Appointed 20/01/2022 until 19/01/2026

Mrs Nichola Chapman – Appointed 02/02/2023 until 01/02/2027

Mr Dharam Chavda – Appointed 02/02/2023 until 01/02/2027


Mrs Hayley Durrant – Appointed 31/03/2017 to present

Associate Member:

Mr Trevor Bright (voting rights) – Appointed 26/11/2015 until 25/11/2023

Parent Governors:

Mrs Amanda Prevost – Appointed 18/11/2022 until 17/11/2026

Miss Paula Winter – Appointed 18/11/2022 until 17/11/2026

Staff Governor:

Mrs Deborah Piper – Appointed 11/11/2021 until 10/11/2025

Governors Meeting Attendance 2022-2023

James Oglethorpe Governor’s Declaration of Interest 2023-2024 

James Oglethorpe Governor’s Committee Details 2022-2023

Governor Bio Sept 2023


Authority Governor:

Mrs Marion Sach – Appointed 14/07/16 until 13/12/18

Co-Opted Governors:

Mrs Katie Hogan (Chair) – Appointed 25/11/2015 until 18/09/2023
Mrs Linda Brook (Vice Chair)- Appointed 01/09/2016 until 31/08/2020
Mr Alan McFadden – Appointed 09/06/2015 until 08/06/2023
Miss Julie English – Appointed 08/06/2016 until 07/06/2020
Miss Katie Marsh – Appointed 25/11/2015 until 18/10/2021
Mr Jonathan Marshall – Appointed 25/11/2015 until 24/11/2023
Mrs Paula Sewell – Appointed 17/03/2016 – stepped down 8.3.17
Mr Paul Ajani-Makam – Appointed 25/11/2015 – Stepped down 16/4/16
Ms Susan Buttimer – Appointed 09/06/2016 stepped down 24.11.16
Mrs Cathy Rogers – Appointed 09/06/2015 – stepped down 31/12/2016

Miss Patricia Brown – Appointed 04/02/2021 until 14/06/2022 (Resigned)

Associate Member:

Mr Trevor Bright (voting rights)

Parent Governors:

Mrs Sharon Wyness – Appointed 16/12/2016 until 15/12/2020
Mrs Karen Nattrass – Appointed 01/01/2017 until 31/12/2020
Mrs Nicole Green – Appointed 05/02/2016 – Stepped down 31/12/2016
Mr Matt Walsh – Appointed 09/06/2015 – Stepped down 26/01/16

Staff Governor:

Miss Katie Marsh – Appointed 13/11/2017 until 18/11/2021
Mrs Eirian Dehavilland – Appointed 26/11/2015 – 31/08/2017 (Resigned)

Governing Body 2017-2018 – As from September 2017, the full Governing Body will meet every half term with additional meetings as required.