Breakfast club
Breakfast club is run by the school staff and runs from 7:30-8:40am and is £4.00 a session.
Children from Reception to Year 6 are able to attend Breakfast club.
Booking needs to be done via sQuid from Monday to Wednesday Noon the week prior to the date needed.
After School Club
The After School Club is run by Abacus and parents must register and book with them direct via . The club runs from the end of the school day until 6pm. Please contact Abacus directly on or telephone Kayley 07903 708764
Extra-Curricular Clubs
We are delighted to offer a variety of school clubs.
Please see the current club timetable below and refer to the Club parent letter which will have been sent you via sQuid which explains how to book on and make payment.
Please see club registration forms or email address for specific information about outside provider clubs.
Karate Registration Form Karate Spring 24
Musical Theatre - email
Gemstarz - email