
Read, Write, Inc Phonics 

At The James Oglethorpe Primary School we use the Read, Write, Inc (RWI) phonics programme, which was developed by Ruth Miskin ( to teach reading, writing and spelling in EYFS and year 1 and alongside our English Writing lessons in year 2 for pupils who need it. 

The programme uses a whole school approach to teaching Reading and Writing that creates fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers.

RWI is taught for 1 hour each day from EYFS to Year 2. Each daily lesson involves learning and reviewing sounds, reading and spelling words and reading and writing based on the text they are working on. All children are assessed regularly and then grouped according to their phonics knowledge. Once children have reached a certain standard in RWI they then move onto the Spelling shed  programme for spelling, and reading Vipers lessons, which continue throughout KS2 however, children who need further phonics reading and spelling support continue on the RWI programme until they are ready to move on.