English- Writing
EYFS and Year 1
In EYFS and Year 1 the pupils follow the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme which includes a daily writing lesson based around the text the pupils have been reading in their phonics lesson. In addition to this our EYFS pupils are given several writing opportunities within their environment. Please see our EYFS curriculum page for more information. In year 1, pupils are taught additional Writing lessons every week based around an engaging class text, linked to their foundation topic of study.
Year 2-6
The scheme ‘Spelling Shed’ is used to set weekly spellings. Using this platform, pupils are able to carry out self-directed learning on electronic devices, both in school and at home. The challenges and assignments give specific tasks for groups of learners to work towards. With built-in scaffolding and support, Spelling Shed games allow children to practise their spellings at a level that they are comfortable with. In addition to this, there is a weekly focussed spelling lesson in school in which the week’s words and spelling rules are taught. Pupils also get the opportunity to practise/apply their week’s spelling knowledge during early work. Each week, teachers assess, identify and celebrate pupils’ spelling successes.
The English programme of study, as detailed in the National Curriculum 2014, is based on the following 4 areas of teaching and learning: Spoken Language; Reading (Word Reading/Decoding and Comprehension); Writing (Transcription, Handwriting and Presentation and Composition) and Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation.
We believe that a consistent approach towards writing will allow children to develop into confident and articulate writers, with the ability to adapt their writing depending on the context, audience and purpose. Writing is taught through a text-based approach with quality children’s literature being at the heart of their learning. Children have plenty of opportunities to experience a range of different genres and enjoy the process of writing around a text or topic. We also recognise the importance of grammar in writing and ensure our children are taught all aspects needed to lead a fully functional life in our society today. Expectations with regard to handwriting and presentation are high and assessment in the form of high quality oral feedback and written marking enables children to improve their writing.
By the end of Key Stage 2, most pupils should attain or exceed the expected standard. Outside English lessons, the school provides a broad and balanced curriculum where children can cultivate these skills in other subjects by writing across the curriculum.